Thursday, February 2, 2012

Winter? Spring?

Anybody out there been able to figure out how a rodent can decide if we're going to have 6 weeks of winter still to go?  If you think about it, no matter whether he sees his shadow or NOT, there's still six weeks before spring.  I don't get it....

It's been a while since my last post and I just realized it had been a whole month!  I started back to work on January 3 and it's been a long, LONG few weeks.  I'm learning what is expected of me; what my job entails, and how the process works.  It's detailed, it's complicated and I have made more notes than I ever did anywhere.  If it were not for this wonderful lady named Karen Stewart, I would be SO LOST.  I probably would have walked out - for the first week I honestly didn't know if I'd be able to handle it.  There's just SO much to learn.  But you know, I am learning it!  Karen has taught me everything I have learned; she is patient, kind, and she is very thorough and tolerant of all my 'why' questions.  I tell you, I owe her everything.   Thank you, Karen - for EVERYTHING!

Guess what?  I have spring flowers already blooming.  I saw yellow crocus' bloomng when I got in the car yesterday headed to work.  Spring has sprung!  At least here in SC it has.  In other places, spring probably feels like a whole season away! 

When it gets just a 'tad' warmer, I intend to start going out at lunch - I am downtown and plan to visit the State House Grounds on a regular basis.  My lunch and I can hang out in the park with the squirrels and the Occupy Columbia participants loitering all around. 

What do those of you who work do on your lunch hour?  Do you stay at your desk?  Do you walk?  What do you do?  I'd like to know. 


  1. What is a lunch hour? I usually have to eat on the run... or the roll, as it were.
