Saturday, May 2, 2015

Starting again....

As most of you know, we moved to Greenville last summer to be closer to the boys. In doing so, I was unable to retain my position with Colliers, even though they had a greenville office. I guess my services to them were not as valuable as I was led to believe. Anyway, I have remained unemployed until recently. Had a few small odd jobs but nothing until now. I started working for a logistics company last Monday. everyine is very nice and helpful, which is wonderful because there is a LOt to learn... Here I am, just turned 60 years old and at the time in my life where I should be thinking retirement and the time to get out and explore, travel,and enjoy....and instead starting all over with yet another job. What I really wanted to do has still eluded me. I have not given up. Merely a slight detour. As I have always said, you never have what you want unless you take a chance. I plan on taking that chance. Just not this week. Maybe next week.....stay tuned. Happy May!