Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Summah's over...where did the time go?

Today I realized that the summer (summah) came and went and I didn't post the FIRST thing!

After the wedding in April, I got down to doing projects here at the house in SC that needed to be done.   In less than a year, I have managed to repaint the kitchen, dining room, great room, and three of the bedrooms.   And repainted the banisters inside, the mantel AND removed the outside handrails.  Oh, and I put Thompson's Water seal on the deck, which was still raw wood from when we built it a few years ago.

Most of my summer was spent in the yard/garden, planting, mowing, weeding, and watching and hoping that we get a bounty crop this year.   We DID as far as tomatoes goes, but the rest, was MEH.  Pumpkin vines and no pumpkins.  Watermelon vines and not the first watermelon (thanks, Andy the squirrel!)  Our neighborhood has new families that have moved in, bringing lots of young children.  These children come by nearly every day to "play" with Cici, Daisy and Bella, our four legged kids.  It's cute to watch. 

My baking has taken a backseat to outdoor activities.  However, today I am baking some sugar-free cupcakes that my husband requested for a co-worker who is leaving.  Then I have another project to be created for a party this weekend.  I promise pictures.   Really.

I hope to visit the Biltmore Estate before the Dale Chihuly exhibit comes to a close (first week in October, I think).  I adore his work.   check it out here:  www.biltmore.com

Catch you all later!  

Friday, January 19, 2018

It's 2018!

This is a brand new year....2018.  Where did the time go?

I am adapting to being a housewife, which is something I never had the opportunity to do.  I am trying to find my "niche" and learn the ropes of being at home and still feel that I accomplish something by day's end.

We have a wedding coming up in April. Our son, Keith, who is engaged to a lovely young lady, Abby.  They both have wonderful jobs, their own home, and three dog children and one mean-ass kitty child.

We are so excited to be able to share this wonderful time in their lives.   I am on the hunt for my dress for the wedding, which is being held at a beautiful wedding barn (windy hill wedding barn) in Simpsonville, South Carolina.  Www.http://windyhillevents.com/

Now I am headed to the Tax Assessors office to do battle as they have our taxes on the house all screwed up.
Back soon!