Saturday, May 2, 2015

Starting again....

As most of you know, we moved to Greenville last summer to be closer to the boys. In doing so, I was unable to retain my position with Colliers, even though they had a greenville office. I guess my services to them were not as valuable as I was led to believe. Anyway, I have remained unemployed until recently. Had a few small odd jobs but nothing until now. I started working for a logistics company last Monday. everyine is very nice and helpful, which is wonderful because there is a LOt to learn... Here I am, just turned 60 years old and at the time in my life where I should be thinking retirement and the time to get out and explore, travel,and enjoy....and instead starting all over with yet another job. What I really wanted to do has still eluded me. I have not given up. Merely a slight detour. As I have always said, you never have what you want unless you take a chance. I plan on taking that chance. Just not this week. Maybe next week.....stay tuned. Happy May!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015....A New Beginning!!

Happy New Year!! and Hard to believe that 2014 is behind us. For our household, it was a year of change. We moved to the Upstate, bought a new house, and started anew. In 2015, I have resolved to become a gardener! Paul and Keith gave me picket fencing sections for Christmas, and they arrived today. Once installed, the little "kitchen garden" will measure about 24 x 40 and have raised beds which I hope to fill with various vegetables, herbs, even flowers. I am saving seeds already to be started in my little greenhouse and transfer them into the garden once the ground is warm enough. I am SO excited about this little garden. It is one of my 'bucket list' things and I can't wait to start digging in the dirt! Stay tuned.....