Today is July 1st. As many of you who are familiar with OR who live in the South, by now we are in the midst of temperatures hotter than you can even imagine. My sister in law, who lives in Massachusetts, was so hot when the temperatures reached 92 that she had to go inside when we were working in her gardens. She couldn't believe I wasn't hot, too. I told her that 92 was a nighttime temperature for South Carolina and we native southerners don't even break a sweat until the thermometer reaches triple digits. She just looked at me. I think she didn't believe me.
Our dogs eat breakfast EARLY, like 6:30 in the morning while it's still cool. Then they have fans & ice water to get them thru the hottest part of the day. Buster, who is now IN REMISSION from lymphoma (thanks to a wonderful, lovely vet named Rosemary Branson at Blythewood Animal Hospital) waits for me to provide them with frozen dog treats. I made them peanut butter & banana treats yesterday and keep them in the freezer. They get one in the morning and one in the afternoon. It's a good way to use overripe bananas other than make bread, because it's too hot to turn the oven on!
1 cup peanut butter (smooth)
1 cup mashed banana
Blend all together with a touch of honey if you like. Freeze by scoops on wax paper until firm. Keep in freezer until time to serve. Our dogs LOVE THEM!
We have the house on the market - so far we've only had 3 people look at it. Hopefully someone will come along SOON that just falls in love with it. We need to sell to be able to buy our dream home and ultimately our dream 'life'.....the grand opening of "The Blandford House and Gardens" - events and such. We can't buy that until we sell this. Everything hinges on that....know of anybody who needs a good starter home?
Happy July 4th everybody! Remember the good old red, white & blue. That is what enables me to write this freely and you to be able to read it just as freely. Independence. We have that. Can't imagine not having it.
Can you?
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