My name is Jeannette. I am a baby boomer...and I am Southern. My husband is not. He is a Yankee! An EYE-talian Yankee. Our life is nothing less than colorful...and never dull. This is our version of the battle between the North and the South. Enjoy!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
This Southern Girl is headed Nawth!
Today this Southern belle and the Northern husband get packing - we are headed NORTH! To New England. Should be an interesting ride in the car - with me driving as far as DC (in the daylight) and then he will drive the reset of the way (in the darkness) with me assistant-driving from the front passenger seat. Now you ask, why don't you sleep? SLEEP? One of the last times we drove to New England we hydro-planed across two lanes of traffice IN FRONT OF A SEMI and spun around and slid backwards into a ditch! On the first day of autumn, I might add. Autumn - my favorite season of the year - by far. So, no sleep for me. I will have to help him watch the road. Maybe I should have one of those little kid steering wheels I can suction to the dash so I can help steer the car, too! I promise lots of pix of our travels...including my beloved covered bridges. We just don't have those in the South. Check out this site and you'll see what I mean, my friends: vermont vacation Aah, Vermont - so beautiful, it's just this side of heaven.
Headed North
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