My name is Jeannette. I am a baby boomer...and I am Southern. My husband is not. He is a Yankee! An EYE-talian Yankee. Our life is nothing less than colorful...and never dull. This is our version of the battle between the North and the South. Enjoy!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Out With The Old.....
In my younger years, there was NO WAY I'd let a New Year arrive without staying awake to celebrate that 'ball' dropping. And then I would hear fireworks. I'd go to sleep and waken in the sunlight the next morning fairly certain that monumental things would occur this brand new year.
2011 for me was a year filled with change. Change that I did not instigate, but change that caused my family's life to be altered. This change also gave me time to do something I had not done in MANY years. The change was the ending of my job. I actually had the summer 'off'. I was able to enjoy the summer - the planting in my garden, the ability to sit in the sun with a good book or glass of wine; the ability to take my dogs for walks at times they would normally have been alone. It took me about a month to get used to being at home. But you know something, once I got the 'hang' of it, I LOVED IT! I baked, cooked, cleaned, renovated things in the house, went on vacation to New England (see earlier post) and found a place that my soul told me was where I belonged. I realized what I wanted to do with my life. We have decided that we need to 'go for it' and try to make that a reality.
This new year hopefully will see that life I am longing for...come to fruition. I have done a lot of things in my life that I'm ashamed of; things that I can't imagine I did in looking back on them. I have two great sons that I am so very proud of, and a husband who supports whatever it is I decide to do. I am blessed with wonderful friends; and some of them longtime age-old friends (not OLD in age, but friends who have been with me since my childhood and early adult years). Those kind of friends are with you forever. If you don't have someone in your life like that, you have no idea what you are missing.
So, as we wind down 2011 and gear up for 2012, I wish for all of you good health, peace within, happiness and self-fulfillment in whatever it is you strive for that makes your life complete. Never live your life for others totally and always find time to discover YOU. You will find the greatest joy in looking out for yourself. Only when you are happy with yourself can you be happy with others. I had to learn that the hard way. I guess I'm a slow learner. I read this quote the other day and it hit home for me: "You must make a CHOICE to take a CHANCE or your life will never CHANGE." So true, my friends. So true. Think about it.
Happy New Year!!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Merry Christmas!
Today I have to finish up my stocking stuffer shopping and get the kids their Christmas 'bling'. And I will have one last baking session before tomorrow night, when it's The Feast of the Seven Fishes. Grease all the way, my friends!
For those of you unfamiliar with this 'fishy' tradition, check out this site:
Hey, it's an Italian thing.
Santa visited the nursing home yesterday. We had a lot of fun. Had to go in the afternoon while the 'old' kids were still awake. usually after dinner, they turn in for the night, even if it's only 6 pm! Being 'senior' children, they are so entitled. Here, Santa is wishing my mom a "Merry Christmas". She thought he was her brother, Jimmy. Then she thought I WAS her brother, Jimmy. Oh mom....
Here's wishing you and yours the merriest of Christmases, and the most wonderful New Year anyone could have. Please share in enjoying our Christmas with us:
Here's our main Great Room tree - filled with collectible ornaments from our travels all over the place.
This is 'the kitchen tree'. It is decorated with food and drink ornaments, including mini wine bottles and corks. The star at the top is a "Carolina Snowflake" from the Gift Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway - handmade. Check 'em out:
Our Colonial Christmas Dining Room complete with hurricane shades, fruit, berries and grapevine as the centerpiece. Very Colonial/New England. I like that. (notice the Wine Santa in the corner?)
Notice, no fire....FIRST OF ALL, way too hot. Second, Santa would burn his butt coming down the chimney. Don't want to hurt Santa, do we?
So, from my family to you and yours, Buon Natale, Feliz Navidad, Buona Festa, Merry Christmas!!!
Jeannette, Paul, Jonathan, Keith, Daisy, Stormy and Buster Pompi!!!!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Giving Back
I got there about 2:00, and left at almost 5:00. During that time, I did a dozen manicures - all different. I evan gave a manicure to a male resident. He would not let me polish his nails, and I showed him ALL different colors. He was just not a good sport. So, I filed his nails, and massaged his hands with aromatherapy lotion and he loved it. So many of the other little ladies loved having their nails done. Most got polish, some did not, and they ALL got the hand massages. They were SOOO sweet. One little lady asked me how long I had been doing nails. My response,, 'About an hour'. She didn't get it.
So, I was about ready to leave, and this one little lady rolled in and asked "do you have any openings this afternoon?". Oh. My. Gosh. She thought she was at a nail salon. I told her, yes, I had an opening just for her. She got the bamboo colored polish. They all were chattering away, none of it making any sense (at least I don't think it did) and we talked about Pearl Harbor Day. I asked them if they remembered it and what they were doing then. One lady said she had just gotten married. One said she was still in high school. It was then I realized that ALL THESE people were once children; teenagers; young adults. They had lives. families, laughter, JOBS, and a story. I might decide to sit down one of these days with each of them and let them tell me their stories. I'm sure they would have some very interesting tales to tell...
All in all, I had the most wonderfully fulfilling afternoon. Did I get my house cleaned? Nope. Did I do any Christmas shopping? No. Did I get any decorations up? no. But I did something even better. I turned a dozen or better "extremely" senior citizens into painted ladies! Ladies with good looking manicures. And I got more out of the visit than they did. I got this warm, wonderful feeling in my heart and soul. I gave something back. And took much more away.
See you in two weeks, ladies! And remember, Santa will be arriving on the 22nd. Buon Natale!!!!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Highway to Hartsville
Paul got home at 12:10, and we were out the door by 12:30 and on our way to Hartsville to spend the afternoon with our friends Joyce and Miakel. We were supposed to go this morning for the parade, but as Paul had to work, we didn't make it. As it turns out, it's a good thing. If we had gone, the tile STILL wouldn't be finished. After nearly 6 months' renovation time, I don't think I could've waited another day.
Anyway, we got to Hartsville at 2:00, and promptly headed downtown. There's this cool 'junk' store called Mandevilla and I love to plunder in it. Bought myself a beautiful wrought iron candle sconce for $4.00! Across the street from Mandevilla is a place called The Vacuum Center. It is full of refinished furniture. Walked thru there, but didn't see a thing. After a few other stops, Joyce told us we were going to have seafood at Shiloh Fish House. It was near a little town called Patrick. It felt like we were out in the middle of NOWHERE! Homes all had their colored Christmas lights in the windows, on the roofs, in the bushes, the trees, and the mailboxes. Very festive.
The dinner we had was phenomenal! I had oysters, shrimp, scallops, flounder and fries. No calories in any of that, I'm sure.
We left right after dinner at 7 pm, and rolled into the driveway promptly at 8. As I write this, I am watching halftime at the Clemson-Va. Tech game on ESPN.
Happy trails, everyone. Until next time......
Ciao - buona notte....a presto!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Giving Thanks
Hope your Thanksgiving was equally as happy. Peace, love and blessings to you all!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Turkey Day
Friday, November 18, 2011
Baking Biscotti
Sunday, November 13, 2011
They Are Finished!!!
This is the Hallway Bathroom AFTER (it had white laminate before):
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Happy Birthday!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Spinach Dip in Sourdough Bread Bowl
Friday, October 21, 2011
Bathrooms and Biscotti
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Let There Be Light
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Escape to New York City!
Once we left there, we decided we'd had enough for the day. Our feet were throbbing and we still had MILES to go. Oh, and it was time to EAT again! We got another cab back to the dock, where we boarded the water taxi yet again. We were getting pretty good at this! We got back to the hotel, where we ordered a salad in the VU lounge. And a VU it was. A view to die for. We couldn't walk another step, but had the waitress bring our salads to us while we sat there by the panoramic view of the city....feet propped up. By this time all of Manhattan was lit up just like twinkling stars. And all for our viewing pleasure. We managed to crawl to the elevator and upstairs to our rooms where we collapsed into bed, talking in the darkness and giggling like teenage girls. Tomorrow - more fun!
The next day, we had the wedding to attend. We were fabulously dressed, went downstairs where we all were taken to the church in cars, and the bride rode in a vintage Rolls Royce. The wedding was in midtown Manhattan and the ride took about an hour. The ceremony was beautiful - Roman Catholic Italian wedding, complete with Mass. Then it's back to the hotel for the reception, which was absolutely fabulous. The wedding cake was baked by Carlo's Bake Shop. ( Now, I don't know if you are aware of who that is, but it's the Cake Boss (on TLC). It was red velvet and absolutely delicious.
As is typical of Italian weddings, the reception with the fabulous cocktail hour and dinner/dancing lasted way into the night. We left at 11:30 and headed back to our room. Tomorrow was another long day of sightseeing for us.
We woke early - got dressed, and off we went. Our first stop was Lady Liberty. We boarded a train, got off and walked about a mile to reach the Station we needed to board the ferry from, and bought our tickets. The lines were LONG. I mean, REALLY long. Keep in mind that it's Saturday. The wait just to board the boat was 2 hours. We decided not to see her up close. We just didn't have that much time too spend there. Too much too do and too little time to do it it's Saturday and we had all the tourists to deal with. We boarded the water taxi and headed back across to Manhattan. Next stop, uptown! We outdid ourselves today. We saw: Rockefeller Center (where they were assembling the ice rink), Park Avenue, Fifth Avenue, Madison Avenue, St. Patrick's Cathedral (where a wedding was underway), Madison Square Garden, Trump Towers, every store you could imagine (Prada, Van Cleef & Arpels, Gucci, Harry Winston Jewelers, Salvatore Ferragamo (shoes), FAO Schwartz, The Plaza Hotel, and Central Park,which was full of many types of people. This was the weekend of John Lennon's birthday, so his music was everywhere. Check out THIS Lady Liberty!!
We walked from Central Park back to Times Square, which to me, had a circus atmosphere. Saw the 'ball' which drops every New Year's Eve. I can't imagine how packed with people that would be, because this day we were there it was chaotic. This Southern girl needs to find some trees and open space! Back to Little Italy we go.
I had contacted an old friend from over 20 years ago who, to my surprise, was meeting us for dinner. We were looking forward to it. We bought some pastries, Italian cookies and bread and ended up at a restaurant called Angelo's. Had a fabulous meal, and we three ladies walked back to the restaurant where we had the prosecco - Caffe' Napoli. My friend had two of her buddies join us, and we sat there until the wee hours of the morning....talking, sipping Prosecco, and laughing. (and resting our feet) When we realized the time, we knew we had a HAUL to get back. They called a cab for us, paid for it and put us in (and got in with us) and took us to the Path Station. They put us on the direct train back to our Path Station near our Hotel. We were back in about an hour. By this time it was nearly 2 am. These girls did quite well in The Big Apple!
Next morning, we packed our bags, had breakfast int he restaurant and we waited for our car to come get us. We got to the airport in record time, had uneventful flights and arrived back home in time for din-din on Sunday night. All in all, a fun-filled, wonderful LONG weekend in New York City!
Oh, and by the way, the renovations continue.....
New York City
Monday, October 3, 2011
Demolition Begins....
Now I am in the kitchen, lolly-gagging around in my house clogs and sipping my New England Coffee - (just the best coffee ever - try it for youself in one of their seasonal flavors) in my Vermont moose mug, when the hammering commences. I look up to see my prints that are hanging on the kitchen wall....bouncing off the wall with each strike of the mallet. Those pictures were taken down immediately before they could FALL down!
He has been hammering away for about 45 minutes and he has nearly all the tile off the shower wall. I took a 'before' picture, and tonight will take a 'in progress' picture and HOPEFULLY be able to post 'after' pix.
No napping in this house today - unless you're deaf!!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Water, Water Nowhere
Anyway, we have been using our guest bath which has a tub/shower combination. Well, wouldn't you know it - the ONLY shower we have in the house....IS NOT WORKING! That handle in the middle of the hot/cold knobs (you know, the one that switches it from tub to shower) DOES NOT WORK. Now Paul gets it to work - he has to turn the center knob to 'tub', then turn on the water, then turn it off, then turn the center knob to 'shower', then turn the water back ON again. It's ridiculous. He hasn't had to kick it yet, but I feel that coming next! Most of the time I can't get it to work and think that pretty soon unless we get this water mess all taken care of that we'll be bathing in a pan of warm water heated on the kitchen stove (which is still functional, thank goodness). It seems every place we should have water coming out of ... there is none. Oh, and did I mention that because the dishwasher is not yet installed, I AM HAVING TO WASH ALL THE DISHES. ALL OF THEM! ALL THE TIME. And can't use the garbage disposal, so I'm having to scrape the food trash into the garbage. What a pain. And because the icemaker broke right after it caused the water on the floor and we didn't replace it because I didn't want the expense ($98), we are using ice trays. I hate ice trays. Funny, I didn't want to spend the $98 but we have spent thousands on repairs that are not yet finished; repairs that have been ongoing since June. That $98 is just a drop in the bucket. What else is new????
As long as I have ice cubes for my gin & tonic at happy hour time, life is good. And I'm ordering that ice maker pretty soon....
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Culinary Delights - Mushroom Flatbread Pizza
Stay tuned for more culinary delights....mangia!!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Cooking - Southern Italian style!
Speaking of that Roman God, he is known to surprise me with all sorts of 'little' things. He brings home flowers for no reason, creates wonderful wine and cheese appetizer spreads, and we have actually sat on the floor and 'picnicked' in the house. We play bocce in the backyard (tree roots and all) and we antique shop together. Sometimes we walk, hand in hand, saying nothing at all. You see, my Roman God had a rough life in his previous marriage. He was married not by choice, but by circumstance - to someone he despised. He stayed put because of kids - the first was the reason for the marriage (she was pregnant - the age old way to 'trap' a man when you can't get one any other way HAHA) - kids that now have no manners and are rude and sarcastic with no regard for anyone but themselves; kids that have turned out to be a true disappointment to him. His daughter actually went on this tirade in front of the entire family AT A FUNERAL! A funeral they showed up for but clearly used it as a 'stopping point' for a little family vacation, complete with his ex-wife. He on more than one occasion has said that if he knew they'd turn out the way they did, he'd have left in the beginning. But, he did what his father told him to do - face the music. This is another post in itself - another time. Anyway, where was I? Oh yea, right - SO, now that life is behind him, and he has finally begun to live. And boy, do we! We cook together in the kitchen; we create recipes, we belong to our local SOI (Sons of Italy) Chapter. We have three four-legged, furry children that adore us. They are: Buster, Stormy and Daisy (Buster, Tempestoso, and Margherita in Italian). We have a grand life. Now if we could just get these home renovations done....
I'll let you know how the flatbread turns out. Ciao!
It's Summer in South Carolina, and it's hotter than hell outside
He's gotten pretty used to my starting things and he finishes them. That's why I'm the brains of the operation. HE is the brawn! I should have taken pictures before and after, but was too eager. From now on, I will post what I write about so you can see what I'm doing. A diary, if you will.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Home Renovations and Sad Realizations
They are being cut to size as I write this. Next week our shower is being torn out and reconstructed with beautiful travertile tile on the walls, and travertine mosaic on the floor. We have a glass shower wall being installed with Tuscan Bronze Faucets, etc.
Once all this is done, we'll have to repaint and repair the walls for any damage that will have been done as the result of this soon to be beeyoutiful renovation. Any suggestions on color?
Every day I search for jobs. I apply for jobs. I get turned down for jobs. Day after day. Most of the companies I apply to never even respond. It's more than disheartening. It's difficult for this baby boomer to come to the realization that I am too old for employers to need me. It's also difficult to not be needed ANYWHERE. I thought this would be the happiest time in my life - kids are gone and now it's time for me. I was wrong.
SO, I signed up for a catering class online through Midlands Tech. Don't know if I'll ever use it, but it can't hurt to have it to go along with the floral design and cake design courses I have already taken. Never know when that B&B will present itself. And it keeps me busy and keeps my mind off what I can't do anything about.
I can dream, can't I?
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Cooking in the New Kitchen
Monday, August 29, 2011
The New Kitchen
China Cabinet - without china. The china is in boxes on top of the bed in the guest room. Table, six chairs, bookcase filled with cookbooks, bar cart with wine glasses and carafes, boxes with muffin tins, cookie sheets and loaf pans that had to come out of the cabinets; the trash can, and THE REFRIGERATOR. Yep, the fridge is plugged in and sitting beside the fireplace. Where's the stove, you ask? Oh, it's just inside the front door - sitting in the foyer with the handtruck still stuck under it.
Everything in the house is covered with a fine dust - from either the tile being cut, the backer board being installed, and/or the thin set being applied to the entire floor. Oh My God - even rooms that have nothing going on in them are filthy. Looks like I'll have to start at the ceiling and clean from the top down.
Once my kitchen is finished, I'll post before-and-after pictures so you can see the end result and let us know if it was worth all the effort. I'm thinking it is.
During all of this, I have been watching either CNN and/or Weather Channel. My beloved Vermont has been totally devastated. Beautiful covered bridges washed right off their abutments and downstream. Will Vermont be able to return to normal? I sincerely hope so. My heart goes out to all Vermonters, When I see destruction like that, I'm truly thankful for only renovation grime.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Around the House
Home Renovations! Not by choice. The icemaker line broke - flooded the kitchen with water. The water buckled the hardwood floor. The insurance company told us to 'put fans on to dry out the wood'. OK. We put fans on. The floor swelled up like a sponge. I don't think the fans did what they were supposed to do.
Now the insurance company enters the picture. They decide the floors have to come up. OK, fine. We removed some of the wood - and boy was what we saw NASTY. Wet, mildew, mold, yuck. We decide no more wood. We pick out tile.
Now the entire floor comes up - and more news.....there's another spot that is not caused by the errant icemaker line. THIS one is because of the shower drain pan on the OTHER SIDE OF THE WALL. Now we have to rip out the shower/tiles and everything associated with it.
I have decided, since I am a fanatic of HGTV/DIY, that we need an updated bath. Glass shower doors, take out the wall, new tiles, the works!
Did someone forget to tell me my maiden name was Rockefeller?
I hope that one of these days soon I can actually get back in my kitchen to cook...and bake. I'll post photos as soon as I download/upload/whatever you call it load them. Geez - what started out as fun has really turned into a drag. Wish I were a patient person, but I'm not. My husband says - hey, we have to wait. We do what they tell us to do. Wish I was that way. Nope, it might take me forever to decide something, but once I decide, I want it RIGHT NOW. sigh
Happy End of Summer!
Monday, July 25, 2011
New England - Hot Fun in the Summertime
Could this be the B&B I've looked for all these years? Oh yea, it could. Maybe this Southern girl is ready to go back North for least until the snow starts. Then what?
Thursday, July 14, 2011
This Southern Girl is headed Nawth!
Monday, July 11, 2011
In the Beginning....
While I save virtually EVERYTHING, my husband saves nothing. Nothing! Even things he SHOULD save. So the way I see it, we balance each other. Between the two of us, we have an acceptable amount of 'stuff'. He and I met each other in midlife. I already had a home, so did he. When we combined the two, we acquired SOOO much stuff that we have no room for it all. I either need a bigger house, or to get rid of some things. As the child of Depression - Era hoarders, we know that won't happen. I'm keeping my stuff....just in case. Even all the buttons.
This is where our story begins.