This is a brand new year....2018. Where did the time go?
I am adapting to being a housewife, which is something I never had the opportunity to do. I am trying to find my "niche" and learn the ropes of being at home and still feel that I accomplish something by day's end.
We have a wedding coming up in April. Our son, Keith, who is engaged to a lovely young lady, Abby. They both have wonderful jobs, their own home, and three dog children and one mean-ass kitty child.
We are so excited to be able to share this wonderful time in their lives. I am on the hunt for my dress for the wedding, which is being held at a beautiful wedding barn (windy hill wedding barn) in Simpsonville, South Carolina. Www.
Now I am headed to the Tax Assessors office to do battle as they have our taxes on the house all screwed up.
Back soon!